Cyclists will no longer be required to wear reflective vests

1 min readJun 1, 2021

The Observatory of Sustainable Mobility of Mérida (OMSM) announced that since March 5 the publication of the reforms to the Regulations of the Traffic and Highway Law of the State of Yucatán was made, with which explicit recognition is given to the cycling infrastructure and, at the same time, priority to the passage of cyclists and pedestrians.

Among the changes, the obligation to wear a reflective vest and headlights was eliminated, to which Everardo Flores, founder of CicloTurixes, explained that it is a wise decision since it is the responsibility of the government to illuminate the public road and not of cyclists but he emphasized that the responsibility of cyclists is to make themselves visible, an action that is also made possible with reflective tapes.

The truth is that the most important thing for cyclists is to be visible, not necessarily with headlights, said the activist.

He explained that it was correct that it is no longer a total obligation to use the headlights, since it is a tool that implies constantly buying batteries and, as for the vest, he pointed out that it is not a necessity since the reflective tapes fulfill the same function and can be placed on different parts of the bike or used by the rider himself.

